Solar Electric Scooter
Electric scooters are being positioned as eco-friendly alternatives to traveling everywhere in your car. What could make an electric scooter even more green? How about a built-in solar panel? The Solar Electric Scooter does just what its name suggests: gives you a lift with an assist from the sun.
The Solar Electric Scooter is said to have a top speed of 15 mph, a range of 20 miles per charge, and a charge time of from 2 to 8 hours. You can charge it either by plugging it in like a regular electric scooter, or letting the solar panel do its work. If you’re going strictly by sun, it can take 8 hours to fully charge the battery. It takes about 4 hours from a regular wall plug. Most people will likely go for a combination of the two charging techniques.
This little machine can go from 0-15 mph in under 4 seconds, and carry a maximum load of about 300 lbs, so it’s not a little toy, but it’s small enough to thread its way through urban streets or find a parking spot for. And because it’s a scooter, it doesn’t require a license, registration, or insurance for it, which makes it much cheaper to maintain than an electric car.
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